1. Agreement to Mediate / Conciliate
This refers to an agreement for resolving disputes through mediation / conciliation and can be any of the following:
1.1. an existing contract that stipulates that the parties will resort to mediation / conciliation under the JustAct mediation / conciliation rules for resolution of existing / future disputes
1.2. A request by both parties that they agree to mediate / conciliate for resolution of the dispute in accordance with JustAct mediation / conciliation rules
2. Initiating Mediation / Conciliation
2.1. Any of the parties may initiate mediation / conciliation through JustAct (the case could also be escalated to mediation / conciliation if the parties do not reach an agreement during negotiation).
2.2. To initiate the process, the Party must submit the following:
2.2.1. Agreement to mediate / conciliate as detailed above in 1.1 and 1.2
2.2.2. In the absence of an agreement, both parties agreeing to resolve disputes through JustAct as
part of the terms and conditions of registration on JustAct, will be deemed to be an agreement to resolve disputes through JustAct, in this case using mediation / conciliation, even though they may sign up at different points of time.
2.2.3. A statement with brief details of the dispute and the quantum of relief sought
2.2.4. Any proofs in support of the submission
2.2.5. Contact details of the other Party to the dispute. JustAct will intimate the other Party of the request to mediate / conciliate and initiate the process of mediation / conciliation once the other Party agrees to resolve the dispute through JustAct
3. Representation
3.1. Subject to applicable law, parties can be represented by any persons they choose.
3.2. The parties will provide representative details to JustAct and the other Party through the JustAct portal.
4. Support for Resolution
To handle resolution on an end-to-end basis, JustAct will assign a Case Manager for the dispute. The Case Manager will provide all support for resolution including queries, scheduling, reminders and coordination.
5. Appointment of Mediator / Conciliator
5.1. The Case Manager will assign a mediator / conciliator from its panel for resolving the dispute.
5.2. Prior to accepting to mediate / conciliate, the mediator / conciliator will make reasonable enquiries to establish if there is actual or potential conflict of interest and if so, disclose the same.
5.3. In case there is a likely or actual conflict so disclosed, JustAct will communicate the same to the parties who can choose to waive the same, in which case the mediator / conciliator can be appointed failing which a new mediator / conciliator will be appointed.
6. Conduct of Mediation / Conciliation
6.1. After the appointment of mediator / conciliator, the Case Manager will work with the parties and the mediator / conciliator to schedule the introductory meeting.
6.2. The parties and the mediator / conciliator may agree on a procedure to be followed in the conduct of the mediation / conciliation. Where no such procedure is agreed upon, the mediator / conciliator will conduct the sessions to the best of his judgement and ability with a view to facilitate a settlement of the dispute at hand.
6.3. The mediator / conciliator may take the help of the Case Manager for smooth and fair conduct of the proceedings.
7. Role of Mediator / Conciliator
7.1. The mediator / conciliator will assist a settlement of the dispute by facilitating a free and fair communication between parties and objectively identifying issues with a view to reduce misunderstandings. The mediator / conciliator will however not impose any solution or settlement on the parties.
7.2. The mediator / conciliator will engage with the parties separately as required and any information shared / views expressed by the Party will not be shared with the other Party without express consent of the Party sharing the information.
8. Role of Parties
The parties agree to attend all sessions with the objective of reaching a meaningful settlement to the dispute and with adequate effort and preparation in this regard.
9. Role of JustAct
JustAct will be responsible for
9.1. appointing the mediator / conciliator for the case
9.2. organising for the conduct of the mediation / conciliation sessions
9.3. providing the technology and other infrastructure as may be required for conduct of online and/or offline mediation / conciliation.
9.4. provide general support through the case manager and secretarial staff for a smooth and quick resolution
9.5. creating the necessary documentation for the settlement, and performing the actual settlement, if the parties opt for the service, to consummate the agreement
10. Fees for mediation / conciliation
Fees will be as per the Fee Schedule specified by JustAct as may be amended from time to time.
11. Settlement Agreement
The mediator / conciliator will help the disputing parties reach a settlement to the dispute. When the mediator / conciliator finds possible elements of settlement, he may draft a settlement agreement, seek comments of the parties and reformulate the agreement basis the comments. Once the same is agreed upon, the settlement agreement is generated and signed off by the parties and authenticated by the mediator / conciliator.
12. Termination of Mediation / Conciliation
12.1. The proceedings will terminate in any of the following cases:
12.1.1. a settlement agreement is reached between the two parties on some or all the issues under dispute
12.1.2. the mediator / conciliator concluding that it would be futile to continue to mediate / conciliate as resolution is not possible. (The parties are free to escalate the case to arbitration through JustAct on an immediate basis.
12.1.3. any of the parties withdrawing from the mediation / conciliation proceedings
12.1.4. If a Party fails to attend 3 sessions without any prior intimation and reason
12.2. The mediator / conciliator will keep the case manager informed in writing of termination of proceedings within 48 hours mentioning, inter alia, the date of termination, whether settlement was reached or not and if reached whether it was full or partial. Such an intimation will be copied to both parties as well.
12.3. JustAct will keep such intimation confidential and not share the existence of the same or its contents unless expressly agreed upon by both the parties. However, such information may be used to process any statistics or aggregate date so long as the identity of the disputants is not revealed.
12.4. If the mediation / conciliation is terminated, the case manager may suggest escalation to arbitration and if both parties agree, transfer the case for arbitration.
13. Confidentiality
13.1. Confidential information disclosed during the mediation / conciliation shall not be divulged by any of the parties and their agents / the mediator(s) / conciliator(s) and JustAct and its employees, all of whom shall maintain confidentiality of all information obtained and records, reports, or other documents received / shared.
13.2. All attendees shall maintain the confidentiality of the mediation / conciliation.
13.3. The parties, mediators / conciliators and JustAct shall not rely on or introduce as evidence in arbitral, judicial or any other proceeding, the following, whether such proceedings relate to the dispute that is the subject of the mediation / conciliation:
13.3.1. Views expressed or suggestions made by any attendee, including the parties and the mediator / conciliator, in respect of a possible settlement of dispute.
13.3.2. Admission made by a Party/its representative in the mediation/ conciliation.
13.3.3. Proposals made or views expressed by the mediator / conciliator.
13.3.4. Whether or not a Party had indicated willingness to accept a proposal for settlement made during the mediation / conciliation.
14. Exclusion of liability
14.1. Neither JustAct, its employees or any of the mediators / conciliators shall be liable to any of the
parties due to any error / act of omission during the conduct of the mediation / conciliation.
14.2. Unless required by law, JustAct or its agents / employees shall not be required to testify in any proceedings – judicial or otherwise – with respect to conduct of the mediation / conciliation under these rules
15. Amendments to JustAct Mediation Rules
15.1. JustAct reserves the right to amend these rules from time to time. However, any case once registered will continue to be processed for Mediation/ Conciliation under the rules under which it was registered.
15.2. The date, for this purpose will be reckoned to be the date when filing of the claim was done.
15.3. In case of any disputes, the decision of JustAct will be binding in this regard.